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Interpol Most Wanted in 2024

Have you ever thought about the world’s most elusive criminals? These individuals, evading local law enforcement, are featured on Interpol’s Most Wanted List. This list is an international appeal for law enforcement agencies to collaborate and apprehend these most wanted fugitives.

Though the idea of international fugitives may seem like a thriller novel, it is a stark reality. These are real individuals accused of serious crimes like illicit trafficking of narcotic drugs, attempted murder, and any other criminal activity that pose a threat to global security. As such, Interpol’s Wanted List plays a crucial role in identifying and helping to capture these individuals.

The purpose of Interpol’s Wanted List

Interpol’s Wanted Person List is a vital tool in global law enforcement, promoting international cooperation and enhancing security. It includes alleged criminals sought for transnational crimes, considered high priority for capture according to each country’s laws. Each person on the list potentially poses a significant threat to global security.

The list aims to:

  1. Identify individuals wanted for crimes;
  2. Share key information about these individuals;
  3. Enable member countries to allocate resources for their capture;
  4. Work with global law enforcement to locate and apprehend these suspects;
  5. Unite efforts to deliver justice.

Role of Interpol in International Law Enforcement

Interpol is crucial in international law enforcement, promoting collaboration among global police forces and liaising with international entities as needed. This united approach combats transnational crime, enhancing global safety.

Interpol’s key actions to fight crimes like drug trafficking include:

  1. Facilitating data sharing across borders.
  2. Assisting in coordinated police operations.
  3. Serving as a national coordination point.
  4. Organizing international investigations within member countries.

Criteria for being included in the list

Adding someone to Interpol’s Most Wanted List is a rigorous process that includes:

  • Collecting information.
  • Verifying details.
  • Submitting a request by the NCB of an Interpol member country.
  • Interpol’s review and approval.
  • Publishing the individual’s data.

This process aims to include only those posing a significant international security threat and accused of organized crimes. However, misuse of Interpol channels sometimes occurs.

Red Notices, a key part of the list, are issued for severe crimes warranting international attention, such as:

  • Violent crimes (murder, rape, armed robbery).
  • Organized transnational crimes like the distribution of child pornography or participation in criminal organisation.
  • Illicit trafficking of psychotropic substances and narcotic drugs
  • Human trafficking.
  • Cybercrimes.
  • Terrorism.
  • Serious economic crimes (large-scale fraud, embezzlement of public funds).
  • Money laundering.

Offenses related to controversial behavioral or cultural norms, as judged by the requesting country’s judicial authorities, may not qualify for a Red Notice. Interpol does not involve itself in cases of a political, military, or religious nature.

Legal Instruments Interpol Use

Interpol employs ‘Notices’ and ‘Diffusions’ to track and arrest individuals with outstanding warrants. These methods distribute information about wanted persons globally, aiding their capture.

Interpol issues several types of notices, each for a specific purpose:

  1. Red Notices
  2. Blue Notices
  3. Green Notices
  4. Yellow Notices
  5. Black Notices
  6. Purple Notices
  7. Orange Notices

Diffusions, while similar to notices, are used for more immediate international cooperation in a limited scope but have the same legal impact. They help locate and detain individuals involved in crimes, including drug trafficking, for extradition to the requesting country.

How Interpol Works with National Authorities

Interpol’s effectiveness in capturing international fugitives relies heavily on its collaboration with national law enforcement agencies. Together, they tackle international crimes like the trafficking of psychotropic substances and narcotic drugs, human trafficking, cybercrime, terrorism, organized crime, and money laundering.

Communication between Interpol and national authorities is channeled through INTERPOL National Central Bureau (NCB) and the I-24/7 secure global police network, aiding in combating these crimes. When national authorities need Interpol’s help, they contact their local NCB, which liaises with Interpol to share relevant fugitive information and coordinate international apprehension efforts.

The Process of Extradition

Extradition is a legal process for transferring a person, usually a fugitive, between jurisdictions for criminal prosecution or punishment, especially for serious transnational crimes like drug trafficking. It prevents criminals from evading justice by crossing borders.

The extradition process includes:

  1. The requesting state submits an extradition request with supporting documents, like a judicial arrest warrant, to the requested state.
  2. The requested country reviews the request for sufficiency and checks if the crime is extraditable under a relevant extradition treaty or other means, like diplomatic channels or immigration laws.
  3. The requested state ensures there are no legal obstacles to extradition, such as lack of dual criminality, political motives, the individual’s poor health, risk of torture, or inadequate procedural guarantees in the requesting state.
  4. If sufficient, the fugitive is arrested and detained in the requested state.
  5. A judicial phase follows, where an extradition hearing determines the fugitive’s eligibility for surrender.
  6. If approved, the requested state’s executive authority decides on the extradition. If affirmative, the fugitive is surrendered to the requesting state for prosecution or similar legal action.

How Interpol lawyers can help stop the abuse of red notices

Legal professionals play a vital role in preventing the misuse of Interpol’s Red Notice system. The Notices and Diffusions Task Force, consisting of legal experts, law enforcement officers, and operational specialists, reviews each Red Notice to ensure compliance with Interpol’s standards. However, there can be bias and inefficiencies in this internal review.

Thus, it’s crucial for affected individuals to hire a private Interpol lawyer. These lawyers can appeal to Interpol’s Commission for the Control of Interpol’s Files (CCF) to protect their client’s rights and remove data that violates Interpol’s rules and human rights standards.

If a Notice is found to breach INTERPOL’s Constitution and rules, it is cancelled, and member countries are informed.

The CCF, an independent body, is tasked with:

  • Reviewing issues related to Interpol’s records.
  • Addressing challenges to the validity of Red Notices.
  • Providing legal oversight to prevent abuse of the system.
Iryna Berenstein
Associated Partner
Mrs. Berenstein is a distinguished and outstanding lawyer with profound experience and exceptional legal knowledge in the field of International Private Law, Financial Law, Corporate Law, investment regulation, Compliance, Data Protection, and Reputation Management.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is INTERPOL Most Wanted?

Interpol issues "red notices" that identify and describe fugitives wanted by a national jurisdiction for international capture and extradition. This is an inclusive list, not a "most wanted" list.

How long does a Red Notice last?

Red Notices usually expire after five years but can be renewed if the requesting INTERPOL member country advises maintaining them.

Who is most wanted right now?