Can INTERPOL Make Arrests?

The clear answer is “NO.” INTERPOL does not conduct arrests and does not have its own police officers. Arrests related to INTERPOL’s Red Notices are carried out by local law enforcement, whether federal or state in the US or equivalent authorities in other countries.

How does Interpol affect arrests?

Contrary to movie images, Interpol does not have agents or lawyers who make arrests or carry firearms. Interpol does not issue international arrest warrants, but instead facilitates international police cooperation among its 195 member countries without having direct authority to arrest or detain individuals.

INTERPOL’s system of international notices, including red notices, allows member states to exchange information about individuals involved in criminal cases to establish their whereabouts and possible arrest for extradition. This list, available on the INTERPOL website, is part of a voluntary system; member states are not obliged to arrest individuals based on Red Notices or INTERPOL Diffusion. Each country decides how to handle Red Notices within its jurisdiction.

What crimes does Interpol work on?

INTERPOL provides specialized policing skills and resources to its member nations, adapting to the changing nature of crimes with research on global criminal trends. Its key programs include:

  1. Counter-terrorism: INTERPOL assists member states in identifying and disrupting terrorist activities and networks.
  2. Organized and emerging crimes: The organization helps target and disrupt international criminal networks and assesses global criminal risks.
  3. Cybercrime: INTERPOL responds to the rise in cybercrime by aiding in prevention and investigation, and promoting cybersecurity.

In today’s globalized world, where major crimes often cross borders, INTERPOL’s role in facilitating international cooperation and collaboration between states, including those without diplomatic ties, is crucial for global security. The organization maintains political neutrality and operates within the legal frameworks of its member states.

Can INTERPOL target specific individuals?

INTERPOL targets specific individuals through its member nations. When a member nation identifies someone accused of a crime within its borders, it can request INTERPOL’s support through a Red Notice, which seeks to locate and detain the individual for extradition or similar legal action.

However, actual arrests are conducted by the respective nation’s law enforcement agencies. INTERPOL coordinates these efforts by sharing information and aligning the actions of member countries in tracking down individuals subject to Red Notices.

Iryna Berenstein
Associated Partner
Mrs. Berenstein is a distinguished and outstanding lawyer with profound experience and exceptional legal knowledge in the field of International Private Law, Financial Law, Corporate Law, investment regulation, Compliance, Data Protection, and Reputation Management.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can INTERPOL make arrests in UK?
INTERPOL cannot make arrests in the UK or elsewhere; it facilitates international police cooperation. While INTERPOL can issue a Red Notice for internationally wanted persons, the actual arrest is handled by local law enforcement.
Can INTERPOL make arrests in USA?
INTERPOL cannot make arrests but can issue a Red Notice to request the location and arrest of a person wanted by judicial authorities. Actual arrests are carried out by law enforcement in the country where the person is found.
Can Interpol operate in Indonesia?
Yes, INTERPOL operates in Indonesia, a member of its 194 countries. Its role is to cooperate and support, not enforce laws, which is the responsibility of the Indonesian National Police.
Does INTERPOL have jurisdiction over local police?
Interpol, not a law enforcement agency with arresting powers, is an international network of law enforcement agencies from various countries.