Human Rights Lawyers

Our human rights lawyers use their legal backgrounds to advocate for clients exposed to human rights violations. Our efforts and dedication over the years have resulted in several rulings issued by the European Court of Human Rights in favor of our clients.

We pride ourselves in helping tackle violations of human rights worldwide. We help protect the rights of vulnerable people, women, children, refugees, marginalized and indigenous people, and others. In short, we help in upholding the human rights of people who have suffered great injustices.

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Human rights lawyer

In everyone’s life, there can be situations where they find themselves in need of legal support and protection. These situations can arise in various aspects of life: theft of personal property, copyright infringement, purchasing defective goods. That’s when human rights lawyers step in to provide legal assistance to individuals who have become victims of discrimination, violence, unjust persecution, and other rights violations.

International human rights lawyers handle a variety of cases, from protecting the right to life to fighting against torture. Qualified professionals work to ensure that principles of equality and justice are upheld.

It’s crucial to remember that the law is always on the side of the victim. So, reach out to trusted professionals as early as possible. They protect fundamental rights, without which a civilized society cannot be imagined. Their work contributes to the development of the legal system, strengthening the rule of law, and ensuring that laws truly work in favor of every citizen.

What are human rights?

So, human rights are fundamental standards that belong to every member of our society. They ensure a dignified life for everyone and create a foundation for stability and prosperity in society.

Human rights can be divided into civil rights and liberties, political and economic rights, as well as social and cultural rights. Among the fundamental human rights, the following can be highlighted:

  • Right to life;
  • Freedom of thought and religion;
  • Freedom of speech and expression;
  • Freedom of movement;
  • The right to work;
  • The right to rest and leisure;
  • The right to education.

At their core, human rights are individual; they apply to all groups of citizens. Respecting human rights is essentially a demand based on our moral values.

Over the past few years, the implementation of human rights has shown significant progress. However, citizens of many countries still suffer from inequality and impunity. The issue of human rights compliance has fundamentally changed its cause. There are numerous international agreements and laws, but they are not always fully adhered to.

Let’s take a closer look at international documents that affirm human rights:

  1. Universal Declaration of Human Rights (1948): a foundational UN document that establishes basic human rights and freedoms;
  2. The International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (1966) is a document that protects civil and political rights, including the right to life, freedom of speech, and the right to a fair trial;
  3. The International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (1966) guarantees the right to work, healthcare, education, and an adequate standard of living.

Human rights are the foundation for building a fair and peaceful society. Protecting and promoting them is crucial to ensuring a dignified life for everyone, regardless of where they live or their social status. International and national institutions, including courts and government agencies, are obligated to uphold and protect human rights in all areas of life.

If you’ve been a victim of human rights violations, it’s crucial to immediately reach out to qualified lawyers or human rights organizations that can provide the necessary support and assistance in restoring justice. Our international human rights law firm has extensive experience in defending human rights, so we can help even in the most complex cases.

Human rights lawyers and what they do | Gawie le Roux Institute of Law

Who can seek help in protecting human rights?

International laws and agreements serve as a guarantee for the protection of human rights. However, in reality, these rights can be violated, leading to a need for legal defense.

The groups of people who most frequently seek assistance in protecting human rights are:

  1. Individual citizens. Every person can seek assistance in protecting their rights, whether they are civil or political, economic or social;
  2. Local and international non-governmental organizations (NGOs) often represent the interests of vulnerable groups that cannot protect their rights on their own. NGOs can file appeals with national courts, international organizations, and UN committees;
  3. Ethnic and religious minorities. Such vulnerable groups often face discrimination and other rights violations due to their identity;
  4. Victims of violence. People who have experienced violence, oppression, or have been victims of human trafficking have the right to legal protection and can reach out to the relevant authorities or human rights organizations for assistance;
  5. Political activists and journalists. These professionals often become victims of harassment, oppression, and even physical threats due to their work. Special human rights organizations protect their rights and freedoms, representing their interests in international bodies.

If your human rights are being violated, it’s crucial to seek help from qualified lawyers or human rights organizations. Our international law firm has extensive experience in defending human rights and is ready to assist you in even the most challenging situations.

What do our human rights lawyers do?

Human rights lawyers focus on protecting fundamental rights and freedoms. Our international human rights law firm offers a wide range of services covering various aspects of legal assistance:

  1. Legal Consultation. The first step in protecting human rights is to seek qualified advice. Our attorneys can help you navigate complex legal issues, provide information about your rights and defense options, and advise on the appropriate actions to take in your specific situation.
  2. Legal Representation in Court. If your rights have been violated and the case requires litigation, our human rights attorneys are prepared to represent your interests in both national and international courts. We have a track record of successfully resolving human rights violation cases and are ready to ensure your protection throughout all stages of the legal process.
  3. Preparing legal documents. Our human rights attorneys are involved in preparing and drafting all necessary legal documents: lawsuits, complaints, appeals, requests to government agencies, and international institutions. Our company will ensure the proper formatting of documents, which is a crucial step towards achieving a positive outcome.
  4. Representation in international organizations. Human rights violations often extend beyond national jurisdictions. Our team of experts has experience working with international organizations, such as the European Court of Human Rights, the UN Human Rights Committee, and others. We can help prepare a complaint to the appropriate body and ensure effective representation of your interests.
  5. Legal support in administrative proceedings. Sometimes, defending human rights requires participation in administrative processes related to obtaining permits, licenses, or the recognition of certain rights. Our attorneys will protect your interests in dealings with government agencies and other entities.

Defending human rights is our top priority. Our international human rights law firm is ready to provide professional legal assistance to anyone in need. If you believe your rights have been violated, reach out to our attorneys for expert support.

When should you seek a professional lawyer for human rights violations?

If you’ve been a victim of human rights violations, immediately seek help from a qualified professional. In some cases, consulting with a professional lawyer isn’t just important, it’s critically necessary to protect your interests and ensure justice is served.

Below are instances where consulting with and receiving assistance from a human rights lawyer can be crucial.

  1. If you or someone close to you has been unlawfully detained or arrested, it’s crucial to immediately contact a lawyer. Unlawful actions by law enforcement can lead to serious consequences, including violations of your rights to freedom and personal integrity. A lawyer will help ensure that procedures are lawful, defend your rights in court, and demand release in cases of wrongful arrest;
  2. Violation of the right to a fair trial. Every person has the right to a fair judicial proceeding. If you are denied access to justice, not provided the right to defense, or if a judicial decision is made in violation of procedural norms, a human rights lawyer can help you challenge these violations. Such a specialist can also represent your interests in court to restore justice;
  3. Discrimination. If you’ve faced discrimination based on race, nationality, gender, religion, age, or any other characteristic, seeking legal counsel is essential for protecting your rights. Discrimination is a serious violation that can negatively impact your life, career, and social standing. A human rights lawyer can help gather evidence, file a complaint with the appropriate authorities, and demand compensation for the harm caused;
  4. Violation of privacy and confidentiality rights. Your personal data, correspondence, and private life should be protected against unlawful interference. If your privacy rights have been violated due to illegal surveillance, the publication of confidential information, or an unlawful search, a lawyer can help protect those rights and hold the responsible parties accountable;
  5. Cruel treatment or torture. If you or your loved ones have been victims of cruel treatment or torture, immediately seek out a lawyer. Such actions are a severe violation of human rights and can be grounds for criminal prosecution of those responsible. A lawyer will ensure the protection of your rights and help bring the case to a fair trial;
  6. Violation of free speech rights. The right to free speech is fundamental, and any attempts to restrict it must be challenged. If you’re being persecuted for expressing your views, whether it’s related to journalistic activities, public activism, or simply posting on social media, a lawyer can help protect your right to voice your opinion.

Human rights violations require immediate action. That’s why it’s crucial to act quickly and effectively. Seeking help from a professional human rights lawyer can significantly increase your chances of successfully defending your interests and restoring justice. Our human rights law firm is ready to provide you with all the necessary support and assistance in such situations.

Key services provided by our human rights attorneys

Our international human rights law firm offers a wide range of services aimed at ensuring justice and adherence to the law. Thanks to years of experience and a high level of professionalism, our attorneys can assist every client, even with the most complex legal issues related to human rights violations.

Let’s look at the main services our human rights lawyers provide:

  1. Legal consultations. Our attorneys provide detailed consultations on various issues related to human rights protection. Our team will analyze your rights and options, assess the situation, and develop a defense strategy;
  2. Preparing and filing legal documents. We have experience in preparing a variety of legal documents related to human rights protection. These can include complaints, lawsuits, appeals, and other necessary documents for defending your interests in courts or international bodies. Our attorneys will ensure a professional approach to each document, taking into account all legal nuances;
  3. Legal representation in court. Our attorneys offer services to represent clients’ interests in both national and international courts. Our team has extensive experience in handling cases related to human rights violations and is ready to defend your rights at any level of the judiciary;
  4. Support in investigations. Our team collaborates with experts and human rights organizations to ensure a thorough investigation of the case and protect our clients’ rights.

Our team has a deep understanding of human rights and years of experience in the field. We approach each case on an individual basis, developing strategies that best meet our clients’ needs. Human rights lawyers provide professional protection at every stage of the legal process, ensuring that your rights are defended at the highest level.

Why should you choose our human rights law firm?

Defending human rights is a complex and serious task that demands high qualifications, a deep understanding of international law, and experience working across various jurisdictions. Thanks to our global network of lawyers, our team provides expert assistance to clients around the world.

Our firm has years of experience in defending human rights on an international level. We’ve represented clients in the highest courts, including the European Court of Human Rights, the UN, and other international organizations. Thanks to this experience, our lawyers know how to effectively use both national and international legal mechanisms to achieve a positive outcome in a case.

We develop personalized legal strategies for each client, taking into account the specifics of their case and potential legal outcomes. Our attorneys possess strategic thinking, enabling them to plan steps ahead and anticipate how events will unfold. This ensures our clients have the highest chances of a successful outcome.

Our company offers a comprehensive approach to each case, combining legal expertise, strategic thinking, and proven experience to achieve the best outcomes. If you’re facing a human rights violation, our attorneys are ready to provide you with professional assistance at every stage of the legal process.

Iryna Berenstein
Associated Partner
Mrs. Berenstein is a distinguished and outstanding lawyer with profound experience and exceptional legal knowledge in the field of International Private Law, Financial Law, Corporate Law, investment regulation, Compliance, Data Protection, and Reputation Management.

Human Rights Lawyers FAQ

What do human rights lawyers actually do?
Human rights lawyers advocate for the protection and enforcement of human rights, representing individuals and groups who have experienced violations of their rights. They work in a variety of settings, such as litigation, policy development, research, and international advocacy, and often collaborate with non-governmental organizations, government agencies, and international institutions.
What are the 5 basic human rights?
Five basic human rights, as outlined in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, include the right to life, liberty, and personal security; the right to be free from torture, cruel, inhuman, or degrading treatment or punishment; the right to equality before the law; the right to freedom of thought, conscience, and religion; and the right to work and education.
What are violations of human rights?
Violations of human rights occur when actions or policies by individuals, groups, or governments infringe upon the fundamental rights and freedoms to which every person is entitled. Examples include torture, extrajudicial killings, discrimination, forced labor, human trafficking, and censorship.
Who can breach your human rights?
Human rights breaches can be committed by a variety of actors, including governments, private individuals, corporations, and armed groups. While human rights laws primarily target governments, other entities can also be held accountable for their actions that violate the rights of individuals.
What are the three main causes of human rights violations?
The main causes of human rights violations include oppressive or discriminatory governmental policies, social and economic inequalities, and conflicts or wars. These factors can lead to systemic abuses, targeted persecution of specific groups, and widespread human suffering.